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High Durability

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Maintainance Free

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Eco Friendly

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Stain Resistance

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Slip Resistance

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Easy to Clean

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Dimension Stability

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Chemical Resistance

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Wall Tiles

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The New Tech International offers best designer wall tiles collection for Bathroom, Kitchen, Bedroom, Living Room, Outdoor and Commercial Space.

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Floor Tiles 

These premium floor tiles come in a variety of unique designs and sizes which makes them a showstopper, always. With the graceful colour schemes and the elegant click on read more for our wide range of catalogue.
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Parking Tiles

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The New Tech International is the leading parking tiles supplier company in India. We provide a variety of parking tiles with vast options in sizes, styles, and colors.
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Sanitary ware


sanitary ware products, fittings, and other sanitary ware items for your bathroom. wash basins, cisterns, bath accessories & many more bathroom products by Certified Export Company. Salon Wash Basins. Eco Friendly Products. Bath accessories.


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New Invention

in every time

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We make luxury affordable for you

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Kitchen Sink

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From stainless steel sinks to ceramic sinks, we have them all. Browse our kitchen sink selection to find one that suits your preferences and needs.
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The combination of knowledge and experience has enabled us to create everything that we offer. 

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